"Get out of the car? But I don't want to get out of the car."
"I had such a good time today, I don't want it to be over yet!"
"I'm gonna close my eyes and daydream back on my day."
And with a blurry wave and thoughtful music Petal's dream sequence comes into focus...
"Now, let's see here, if I can find just the right place I can have a wonderfully Disney moment... "
"Oh! Here we go!"
"All da colors ooooof daaaaa wiiiinnnnddd!"
"Lassie, are you sure you don't want to come up here and play John Smith? Pleaaase?"
"And risk getting pokey things in my fur? Never."

"Today has been a great day! Right Mr. I-won't-reenact-a-scene-from-Pocahontas-with-my-beyond-gorgeous-sister?"

"Absolutely right!"
Labels: car, collies, daydreaming, dog's mind, lassie, petal, the trail