Friday afternoon Smelly Ella got a bath and now she's shiny clean and silky soft.
She saw the shampoo and conditioner and my other grooming supplies and knew just what I was up to.

"Oh no, that bath is for me, isn't it?"
"Maybe if I sit and look really cute you'll change your mind!"
Then Saturday afternoon Dirty Petal got a bath. Her coat is so fluffy, soft and vibrant now.

"Why am I in this tub? I thought you LIKED the smell of dirty dog!"

"Yeah, like getting me wet is going to help the smell."
Ella is by far the easiest dog to bathe (though I'm sure you could've guessed that), so she usually gets her bath first. Then Petal's bath is followed a day or two later and then Lassie's bath takes place a few days after that. I like to save him for last, because he takes the longest (so so long, haha) and once I'm done with him, I'm done giving dog baths for a few months. So if the girls don't get their baths first, they won't get them for a long time.
As far as behavior goes, they're all extremely easy to bathe.
Especially when I'm armed with treats. ;]
But even without treats they're all really good and they stand nice and still. Though that
fourth Kong did come in handy when it came time to blow dry Petal! My dogs love to play with the blow dryer— which is cute, but not helpful— and a Kong kept her busy and distracted.
And now I've got two silky soft and shiny dogs!

"I suppose that bath was worth it. Just look at me!"

"No, look at me! I'm prettier than a super model!"
I just love freshly bathed dogs.
Lassie's next. ;]